How much does a wifi extender cost? How Much Does a Backup Generator Cost?

WiFi booster and a WiFi extender are both types of wireless signal repeaters that are used to improve the reach and strength of a WiFi network. there are some differences between the two devices.

A WiFi booster is designed to amplify the existing WiFi signal. This can be beneficial in situations where the WiFi signal is weak due to obstructions or distance from the router.

WiFi boosters typically havea range of up to 1,000 feet.

WiFi extender is designed to extend the reach of the WiFi signal, by receiving the signal from the router and retransmitting it.

WiFi extenders often have a larger range than boosters,extending the signal up to 2,500 feet.





In today's digital age, a reliable and strong WiFi connection has become a necessity for many daily activities, ranging from work-related tasks to leisure activities like streaming music and video. As per a report by thePew Research Center, as of 2021, around 85% of American adults use the internet daily. With this constant usage, one key aspect that often comes up is the quality of WiFi coverage.

necessity for WiFi coverage

WiFi coverage is critical in both personal and professional settings. In homes, having strong WiFi coverage ensures seamless streaming, gaming, and remote working or learning. In businesses, it is necessary for uninterrupted video conferencing, cloud services usage, and maintaining efficient workflows. Thus, having optimal WiFi coverage is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

WiFi boosters and extenders

To address the need for strong WiFi coverage, two devices often come into play -WiFi boosters andWiFi extenders. Though often used interchangeably, these two devices have distinct differences. Essentially, a WiFi booster amplifies the existing signal while a WiFi extender rebroadcasts the signal to increase coverage area.

Improving WiFi signal strength

Both WiFi boosters and extenders are instrumental in enhancing WiFi signal strength, but they operate differently. A WiFi booster works by capturing the existing WiFi signal from the router and amplifying it. On the other hand, a WiFi extender captures the WiFi signal, amplifies it, and then transmits the boosted signal into areas of the home or office where the WiFi signal is weak or nonexistent.

It's also important to note that the efficiency of these devices can be affected by several factors, including the layout of the space, the type of walls or floors, and other electronic devices present. Understanding these factors can help you choose the most suitable device for your needs.

wifi work scene


Understanding WiFi Boosters

Work From Home (WFH):WFH has become the new normal in our lives. Video conferencing, remote collaboration tools, cloud-based software - they all require stable and robust internet connectivity. A WiFi booster can strengthen the signal to your workspace, whether it's in a remote corner of your home or a different floor entirely, ensuring you have the necessary bandwidth for smooth, uninterrupted work.


wifi coverage


Smart Home Devices: The modern home is increasingly populated by smart devices - from thermostats to security systems, smart TVs to intelligent lighting. When WiFi signals are weak, the performance of these devices gets hampered. For instance, your smart security camera might not send timely alerts, or your smart speaker might not respond to your commands promptly. By installing a WiFi booster, you can ensure optimal operation of all your smart devices, even in areas that were previously WiFi dead zones, like the basement, attic, or garden.

Entertainment:Today's households consume a lot of data, whether it's streaming 4K movies, playing online games, or watching live sports. If your WiFi can't keep up, you may experience buffering, lagging, or poor resolution. A WiFi booster can extend the reach and strength of your WiFi signal to all corners of your house, ensuring a high-quality, immersive entertainment experience.

Learning and Development:For students and lifelong learners, the internet is a massive resource. Online courses, research, and educational streaming content require reliable WiFi. With a WiFi booster, you can create a reliable, stable connection that supports your learning pursuits.


Definition of WiFi Booster

WiFi Booster, also known as a WiFi repeater, is a device that catches the existing WiFi signal from a router and amplifies it to enhance the signal strength and reach. It acts as a bridge, capturing data from your router and rebroadcasting it to areas where the WiFi signal is low or non-existent.


How WiFi Boosters Work

WiFi boosters operate by utilizing two wireless routers. One of these communicates with the existing WiFi network, and the other communicates with the WiFi device. When data comes through the existing network, the booster receives it, amplifies it, and then sends it on to the WiFi device. As per a study published in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, WiFi boosters can improve signal strength by up to 50%.


The Pros and Cons of WiFi Boosters

On the positive side, they can greatly enhance WiFi coverage and are easy to install. They also have the capacity to connect to multiple devices, making them highly beneficial in households with multiple internet users.

They can potentially halve the bandwidth because they utilize the same channel to receive and transmit data, which can slow down the internet speed.


Ideal Use-Cases for WiFi Boosters

WiFi boosters are particularly useful in multi-level homes or large offices, where the WiFi signal may be strong near the router but weakens with distance. They can also prove beneficial in situations where the signal needs to pass through thick walls or other structural barriers.


Understanding WiFi Extenders

As more and more devices connect to the internet, the demand for a steady and strong WiFi signal is growing. One device often used to enhance WiFi coverage is the WiFi extender.


Definition of WiFi Extender

A WiFi Extender, also known as a range extender, is a device that expands the coverage area of your WiFi network. It achieves this by receiving your existing WiFi signal, amplifying it, and then transmitting the extended signal.


How WiFi Extenders Work

WiFi extender operates by creating a second network for your wireless devices to join. The extender acts as a bridge, connecting devices to your primary network via the extender's network. According to research from the Network Infrastructure and Services, WiFi extenders can potentially increase WiFi coverage by up to 100%.


The Pros and Cons of WiFi Extenders

Like any device, WiFi extenders come with their own set of pros and cons. On the positive side, extenders can dramatically increase the range of your WiFi network, making them great for large homes or buildings. They can also typically connect to multiple devices at once.

On the downside, the speed of the extended network can sometimes be slower than that of the primary network, due to the extra step of communication with the router. Furthermore, devices may not switch automatically from the primary network to the extended one as you move around, leading to potential connection issues.


Ideal Use-Cases for WiFi Extenders

WiFi extenders are ideal in situations where you need to expand your WiFi coverage beyond what your router can provide alone. This can be particularly beneficial in multi-story buildings or properties with multiple rooms far from the router. Also, if there are obstacles, like walls or appliances, that hinder your WiFi signal, a WiFi extender can help in ensuring a stronger and more stable connection.


Key Differences between WiFi Boosters and Extenders

A WiFi booster enhances an existing WiFi signal by receiving and amplifying it. This is ideal for boosting the WiFi signal strength in areas where it is weak, improving the performance of connected devices. In contrast, a WiFi extender creates an entirely new WiFi network by extending the reach of the original network. This makes it suitable for delivering WiFi to hard-to-reach areas not covered by the existing network. In essence, while boosters improve signal strength, extenders focus on expanding the physical coverage of the network.


Comparison of Their Functionality

The primary function of a WiFi booster is to amplify your existing WiFi signal, while a WiFi extender is designed to create a new WiFi access point, thereby extending the WiFi coverage beyond what your router could reach alone.


Differences in Range and Strength of Signal


WiFi Booster

WiFi Extender

Range increase




It's important to note that this is an approximate value, and real-world performance may vary.

Differences in Installation and Configuration

Installation and configuration of both devices are relatively straightforward. However, WiFi boosters usually connect directly to the router via an Ethernet cable, while WiFi extenders can be placed anywhere within the existing WiFi range. 

Cost Comparison

The cost of both WiFi boosters and extenders can vary widely, depending on the specific model, brand, and features. Typically, you can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $100 for a booster, and $30 to $120 for an extender.


Why Do You Need a Booster or Extender?

Application Scenario

Solution Provided

Some portions of your house have no WiFi signal

WiFi boosters and extenders eliminate dead zones and dead spots where WiFi signal is completely absent due to obstructions or distance from the router.

Several locations in your house have slow WiFi

If your WiFi router is located in a part of your home where you don't spend much time, a WiFi extender can boost the signal to the areas where you need it most. This allows for better utilization of your home space.

You desire the quickest WiFi available

WiFi boosters and extenders can also upgrade your WiFi network's speed. By adding a booster or extender, you can benefit from the latest WiFi technologies, such as 802.11ac speeds, without having to replace your existing router.

The size of your house

Modern homes have increased in size, making it more challenging for a single router to cover the entire area. Using a WiFi booster or extender can ensure comprehensive coverage throughout larger homes.

WiFi is desired outside

As WiFi becomes more integral in our lives, there is an increased demand to extend coverage to outdoor areas such as patios, pools, front yards, or detached garages. A WiFi extender can help to cover these outdoor spaces.


Choosing the Right Device for Your Needs

For instance, if you have a specific area with weak signal strength but still within the network's reach, a booster is ideal. If you need to extend WiFi to spaces outside the current network's scope, such as a backyard or attic, an extender would be more suitable.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between a Booster and Extender

There are several factors to weigh in when deciding between a WiFi booster and WiFi extender. These include the size of the coverage area, the type and thickness of walls, the number of devices connecting to the network, and your budget. For example, if your main concern is amplifying the WiFi signal strength in a specific area, a WiFi booster may be the best option. Conversely, if you need to extend the WiFi coverage over a larger area or multiple floors, a WiFi extender could be more beneficial.


Assessing the Specific Needs of Your Home or Office Network

Understanding the needs of your home or office network is crucial in making the right choice. For instance, if you're experiencing dead zones in certain parts of your home or office, you might want to consider a WiFi extender. If you're finding that your WiFi signal strength is generally weak, even close to the router, a WiFi booster might be the solution. Also, think about the number of devices that will be connecting to the network, as well as the types of activities you'll be using the internet for, such as video conferencing, streaming, or gaming.

Tips on Optimizing the Use of the Chosen Device

Once you've chosen the most suitable device for your needs, there are a few strategies you can use to optimize its performance. Placement is key – your device should be as centrally located as possible, ideally in an elevated position. It's also beneficial to keep your device away from other electronic devices that might cause interference, such as microwaves or cordless phones. Updating the firmware of your device regularly can also ensure optimal performance.


Q: How do a WiFi booster and a WiFi extender differ in functionality?
A: A WiFi booster amplifies the existing WiFi signal while a WiFi extender receives the existing WiFi signal and retransmits it to expand its coverage.

Q: In what kind of real-life situations would I need a WiFi booster?
A: A WiFi booster is particularly useful in scenarios where the WiFi signal is weak due to obstructions like walls or distance from the router, such as a room on a different floor from the router.

Q: In what kind of real-life situations would I need a WiFi extender?
A: A WiFi extender is ideal for larger homes or spaces where you want to extend WiFi coverage to areas that are far from the router, like a basement, attic, or outdoor spaces like the backyard or pool area.

Q: How do the costs of a WiFi booster and a WiFi extender compare?
A: Generally, a decent WiFi booster might range from $20 to $100. In contrast, A basic extender might start at $30, but high-end models with additional features like dual-band or tri-band support, multiple Ethernet ports, and Mesh networking can cost up to $200 or more.

Q: Can a WiFi booster or extender increase my internet speed?
A: Yes, but they can't turn your 100 Mbps plan into a 200 Mbps speed experience. They are like traffic cops, helping the data from your existing internet plan flow more smoothly and reach farther, but they can't increase the total amount of data coming from your internet service provider.

Q: Can I use a WiFi booster and extender simultaneously?
A: Yes, if you need to both boost the strength of your WiFi signal and extend its range, using both a WiFi booster and extender can be an effective solution.

Q: What should I consider when choosing between a WiFi booster and a WiFi extender?
A: Consider the size and layout of your space, the locations where you need a stronger WiFi signal, your budget, and whether you need to simply boost signal strength or also extend the range of the WiFi signal.



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